I thought this would be a neat picture to put on here since it is fitting of the pre-Thanksgiving holiday. It looks so homey and like they are getting the house ready for Holiday visitors. That is what I should be doing myself instead of ding donging on the computer. Let me explain briefly why the title of todays post is that. Yesterday morning in my pj's and just woke up look, I left the house to get a diet pepsi because I am apparently addicted to that in the morning. Since it was around 15 degrees, there was frost on the windshield which I tried to get off with my windshield wipers and fluid. Needless to say that wasn't working worth a crap for me to see out of it. I headed toward the old IGA in hopes of just getting a can and be on my way. They moved those machines out I did see so then started to turn in the parking lot as I planned to just go back over to Northside and use the drive thru. For reasons I really can't explain still except to defrost the windshield, I turned into the deep ditch getting my car stuck. It cracked 3 places in my bumper because the bumper was cold because I didn't hit that hard. So then I learned through turning this in to my insurance, that if I had smacked a deer. Lots better deductable wise for my car insurance. That deductable is $100, the deductable for being a dumbass is $500 so there goes my birthday party money I was going to save from tax refund. Now it goes to paying back my loan shark after getting taxes back. I also thought for some other dumb reason that I needed to jump over the ditch to where Steve was by then to help get my car hooked up. In doing that Wonder Women feat, I twisted my bad cankle that was torn up when I was 16 doing about the same dumbass feat. So today I am hobbling around still pissed at myself for being so dumb.....but can laugh also because I know I looked like a crack whore going into Northside to use the phone to get Jordan up there to come get me. Yea flannel pj pants, mule nikes, shirt, and coat that was not one matching thing on. Then to top it off, bedhead and bad breathe. Cute I know.