I joined Facebook today so that I can keep in touch with some old classmates and friends on there. It's different and Jordan thinks I am too old to be doing it. So any of you that reads this, go on there and add me as a "friend", I am under Penny Reith Shannon so that those who know me by both names will find me if they want to. Now I have two things to keep up to date on. I already have 2 friends that was added to there and have a few more that I am waiting to hear from. It's kinda neat to do since some of these are old classmates that I seen at our 20 year reunion last year and would love to keep in better touch with them instead of emailing. That I totally suck at but can do this blogging thing without even trying. So I hope they look at my profile and then check this thing out too. Lord knows I spill everything on here that is going on at the time I start typing. Got to end this one quickly because I am excited to see if anyone else has accepted my invite on Facebook. I can't believe how this month is flying by, I actually thought I had another week before Jordan's birthday today until I looked at the calendar and seen it's actually 4 days away.....then she is 17!! Yea that has flown too!!
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