Steve came in and said it is spitting snow outside. I love it!!! Yes I love snow, cold, and winter as long as there isn't ice like we had a couple of years ago. I love to go outside when it's snowing, there isn't a more peaceful time than that. I love how the countryside looks with a fresh blanket of snow. I absolutely love when it snows on Christmas Eve and there is a white Christmas. It reminds me of when Jordan still believed and there was "sled tracks" on the roof one Christmas. It's so magical when children still believe in Santa, I had so much fun with it by having sleigh bell ringing outside her window to get her asleep so I could go set up her Santa stuff. I believed until I was in the 3rd grade and the mean teacher (Mrs.Sims) told me that there wasn't a Santa. I will never forget that because she made a spectal out of me and the kids in the class laughed. What a bitch...anyways this picture is what I call my dream Christmas home in the country. I can almost see me in there COOKING somekind of treats or dinner and Steve tending to the fires. Bundle up today if you go out and enjoy Sunday, the last forecast I seen was the temp to be in the 60's. Got to love the Missouri weather!! So I am going to get painting on my Santa's and yes Tina I will post my creations and thanks for readng my blabber~~
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