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Here I am with my favorite Christmas present, a fifth of Crown Royal, that way I don't have to get one for New Year's Eve. I am really getting bad at blogging. This past week was jammed packed of stuff and bad weather not helping out at all. Tuesday night was the Swift Carriers party at Greg's which means some kick ass appetizers and this year playing Rock Band. Which by the way I scored a 98 on Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive by SINGING it. Yea that ol'headbanging loving some Jon Bon Jovi came out on the second try. Then I fell hitting my knee and jarring everything else in my body so I was not feeling like anything Wednesday night when I got home. Steve left Thursday for the midget races at Kemper Arena and came back early Saturday morning. I attended the annual Heinzler Party which was alot of fun and alot of great food too. Then yesterday was getting ready for our family Christmas dinner at Aimee's. Greg offered to cook the meat this year as it was the same day as Deb's family gathering, so all I had was sides and chocolate pie to do. Patty makes my rolls that are to die for. Will have to have her show me how to do that someday. So the following pictures are from last night. We have done this for the past 2 years so that we can spend more time with the kids since schedules are a mess around Christmas. It works out way better than rushing off from the Shannon Christmas Eve at Gayle's back home to only spend a hour or so with everyone. This week is another jammed week so hopefully I will get a post in on Christmas Day. Jordan maybe leaving the day after Christmas on a trip with a friend and her family to Florida. All Jordan needs is eatting and whatever money to take so that's what I sent the word out to give her for Christmas. Below are of everyone opening a gift at Aimee's, Kailyn has strep throat so bless her heart, she really wasn't feeling good. Nana Penny has had that a million times and knows the pain of it, so I really feel for her especially at Christmas to get it. YUK!