Monday, October 27, 2008

Just another Manic Monday

Yea I bet you sang that when you read the title, if not try it what the heck....I kinda hate Monday's cause I would rather have one more day to sleep late or I can't seem to get it in gear to get to work 5 minutes early instead of right at 8 am. Last night my father in law, Bob, fell out at the Golden Oaks where he lives now. He was brought in to Fitzgibbon where they ran some tests to find out that he has puemonia in one of his lungs. Even though his short term memory is pretty much gone, he can remember anything from the past. One of those memories is when I was with Steve the first time and Aimee was 6 to 7 years old. We both had long hair and I was the master of french braiding. When I did mine, Aimee usually had hers done too. Bob seems to like this memory of then and mentions it alot when I am around. At that time, Aimee was kinda like a mini me. We even had matching swimsuits!! I will probably drag out the photo of me holding her when she was 6 and also the one a couple of years ago we did of me holding her. That one is hilarious and put them on here soon. We are still awaiting our gallery from Kathy McCloy, mine is in the editing status so that means any moment I will receive a email and get the password to share. She is a amazing photographer that is gaining popularity in town. If you haven't checked her page out, do so....especially when I give out my password!
Til Tuesday.....can you tell I am definitely a 80's girl!