This date is kinda special today because 17 years ago, Jordan was supposed to come into the world. It was my first due date but as it is known, she came by emergency c-section on the 23rd. Here's just a little bit more on this date. I have 2 very good friends(Laura and Christy) who also was pregnant during this time and this was both of their due dates also. Laura was 10 years ago and Christy was 4 years ago, well then it came and went, so the next due date was the 23rd for both. Jordan was really excited that she was going to get to share her birthday both times. Laura had Lauren on the 22nd and Christy had Haylee on the 21st. I think it's kinda neat that the 3 of us shared the same due dates and our daughters birthday's are all in a row. Tonight Jordan, Laura, Lauren, and I are going to China Inn for the girls birthdays. I really don't know why we haven't done this before, probably because some years they fall on Thanksgiving and just the scheduling of the parties hasn't let us do this. So hopefully it will now start somekind of tradition with us taking our birthday girls out, especially since I only have this one and next year left that Jordan is home to celebrate them with me. Before I get into some sappy blogging I better go and get ready for our dinner. I also started the painting of the Santa's yesterday and will post them later. The face turned out too pink but I am going to wing it and see if it turns out after I add the beards and fur on the hats. Hopefully that calms it down a bit, I thought the color was perfect when I mixed it but not after it dried. Happy Monday to all that reads this jibberish...
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