Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Til Tuesday

Yes, I am gay that way in the fact that I still love to listen to the 80's music. I do also like some newer stuff but every morning I put in the same CD I made with alot of the old stuff but at the end is my 3 Doors Down collection. The days of having bangs to the heavens and the sides going coast to coast are over along with the fashion trends that we really thought was neat. It really seems as if that decade wasn't that long ago sometimes and I am already looking at turning 40. And then it seems like 17 years ago was just yesterday when I was getting ready to bring Jordan into the world. Damn time flies so make the most of it while you can.....there are days that I wish that I could go back knowing what I know now. When Jordan was just a baby, I used to sit and wonder what she would look like when she got older and if I would raise a good daughter. Well, those days have come and I think she is the best accomplishment I have ever done or will do in my life. She is still the little big brown eyed girl that I am beyond proud of the young woman she has become and actually bawling while I am typing this because my time with her at home is going way too fast now. So with that being said , I am going to end this and go bug her in her room just to her say how gay I am.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Just another Manic Monday

Yea I bet you sang that when you read the title, if not try it what the heck....I kinda hate Monday's cause I would rather have one more day to sleep late or I can't seem to get it in gear to get to work 5 minutes early instead of right at 8 am. Last night my father in law, Bob, fell out at the Golden Oaks where he lives now. He was brought in to Fitzgibbon where they ran some tests to find out that he has puemonia in one of his lungs. Even though his short term memory is pretty much gone, he can remember anything from the past. One of those memories is when I was with Steve the first time and Aimee was 6 to 7 years old. We both had long hair and I was the master of french braiding. When I did mine, Aimee usually had hers done too. Bob seems to like this memory of then and mentions it alot when I am around. At that time, Aimee was kinda like a mini me. We even had matching swimsuits!! I will probably drag out the photo of me holding her when she was 6 and also the one a couple of years ago we did of me holding her. That one is hilarious and put them on here soon. We are still awaiting our gallery from Kathy McCloy, mine is in the editing status so that means any moment I will receive a email and get the password to share. She is a amazing photographer that is gaining popularity in town. If you haven't checked her page out, do so....especially when I give out my password!
Til Tuesday.....can you tell I am definitely a 80's girl!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Boock's Annual Halloween party

Morgan, Steve, Jordan, and Aubrie

Last night we attended the 3rd annual Boock
Halloween party. To the right, is Ashley the Halloween Hostess and I,the BW. Here are some of the costumes that I got pictures of, there were alot of funny ones there and some pretty creative ideas too. Steve ended up going as a Mizzou fan since they were beating Colorado when we left a 1 1/2 hours late for the party. I, of course was a Bitchy Witch. There also was some pretty dang good viddles out there too.I already can't wait for next years party and will not be late the next time.....I already have the next costume ready just hoping I can get Steve into being a scarecrow?

Mizzou fan and his Bitchy Witch

Mom and Jordan aka Bitchy witch and cave girl

Rosie aka Mimi from Drew Carey

Prom Queen Rhonda

Morgan, Prom King Bob, and Jordan Jordan, the Skipper Ernie, and Morgan

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Brrr it's getting cold!!

I love the fall and winter seasons but this year it seems to have gotten cold early. But then we had the mildest summer I can remember for years. At work we tried the persimmon cutting to see what shape was inside. Shirley's persimmons didn't tell us squat unless hers was a knife shape and Carolyn's granddaughter's class had spoon shapes. So if it is right about how you can tell what kind of winter it will be from them, either bitter cold or lots of snow. I love snow at Christmas and maybe a few flakes on Thanksgiving but after that I am done with it. Last night we went to Johnny Adcock's 50th birthday party for a few hours. There was pictures taken so I will have Laura email me some to put on here so I can show the few social events we have going on the next two weekends. Next Saturday is Ronald and Cindy K's reception and Tiffany Crew's wedding. Again I will post a few pictures of those events, so those of ya'all that check this out can get a kick out of them. Tonight we are supposed to attend Ashley & Kevin Boock's halloween party. I have a witch costume going on and Steve can go as the professor from Gilligan's Island. This witch is going to WalMart for some long johns to wear under my dress since it's going to be a good chilly night for a halloween party. I also got to save my plants and get the others put up for the winter tomorrow since the first freeze will be either Sunday or Monday night. I am headed off to take my Grandma Joy out for a bit and get ready for the party. By the way, my grandma turns 90 on November 5th. She still is very independent and can take care of herself at her own home. She decided almost a year ago that she didn't want to drive anymore and gave Jordan her car so that she can take her places when Jordan can. Then I fill in when Jordan is working or doing volleyball like today. This is the last of the volleyball season and of course this year I took only the first game and my batteries were running out. Never remembered after that to get a camera there. She is very good and next year I will be sure to get the schedule out.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just some random thoughts

I usually don't do regular breast exams on myself like I have been told to do and know that since I am getting older, that it is a needed thing. I just figure that during my last yearly physical in January, that if he felt something, it would have been addressed with all the other freakin' ailments I had going on at the time. Here's just a short list of crap: chest pains due to anxiety and stress, kidney stones, painful as hell periodicals, bronchitis not once or twice but three times this year and then to top it off, a cyst on my right ovary bust sending me to the emergency room AGAIN! So anyways, I did a self breast exam about 3 weeks ago and found a suspecious bump. Long story short, my doctor is out of town til the 1st of November, Dr. Smith booked til this week so I got into Deanna Donnell. She felt another lump and scheduled a mammogram for today. There was a moment that I was scared shitless because the tech lady came in and said that I have a dense area in my right breast. Then had to do another scan thing on it at another view. Then I sat while they viewed my scans and awaiting to go do a ultrasound. I texted my stepdaughter, Aimee that I was going to have to do another procedure because I thought of her mother who is now beginning a battle with breast cancer. Janice was diagnosed a couple of months ago with stage two and has to under go chemotherapy and radiation treatments to hopefully get rid of this awful disease. I had alot of thoughts running through my head and was getting myself prepared for the worse. I guess I am lucky today because in the end, I have fibrocystic "boobs" that I will have to monitor more closely and get yearly mammograms from here on out. So I am giving a huge shout out to Janice, I think Kailyn's MiMi is my hero too! I know she is a very strong person that will conquer this. Now any of you gals that read my blabber, do your monthly boob exam and get mammograms done, even if you are not 40 it is now recommended to get a baseline done at 35.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Taste of Sedalia

Tonight, Lorry and I went to the annual Taste of Sedalia. Usually this has been a fun and pretty tasty event in the past. Since we decided to go at the last minute, we paid $12 at the door. This is a pretty reasonable price to try all you want from various Sedalia restaraunts. Also includes booze in the price of admission. In the previous years there was wine, not this year, only beer so since I am a hard liquour drinker, I found no thrill in that. I looked forward all afternoon to this and planned my areas which I was going to hit first and which freebie booths to get the most from. I am totally disappointed that first, Russell Stover wasn't there with their carmel apples, second the Ivory Grille had only potato pancakes with crappy applesauce to go on top, they have way more to sample than a simple potato pancake( stuffed pepper soup or even their salads would have been better)....third the Pepsi booth didn't have the special cans of Mt. Dew to give out as they have in the past. I will say the Patricia's booth had the best viddles with a variety of delicious seven layer dip, potato soup and steak samples that rocked. The best was the chocolate chimichanga......yea it was way good. Ivory Grille had the signature cheesecake with chocolate notes on top that is good. The Calagario's(sp?) pizza place was there, I found out about this place almost a year ago when going through Cole Camp after my office family went to a driver's funeral. This pizza is the bomb, I have never tasted such a great pizza in my life, so needless to say I visited that booth twice. Even though I am very dissappointed in the event, I did leave feeling like a bloated toad and it only cost $12 to eat as much as you can before they start packing up. Which some booths run out before the end at 8pm, but many towards the end will give you a little extra to try to get rid of their stuff. Next year I will find out before which places are planning on being there and then decide if we are going to make the trip.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Future soccer star

Here is our future soccer star!!

This is getting easier to do, Yahoo!

I think I am finally getting the hang of adding stuff to our page. Aimee will keep me in current pictures of Kailyn and since I got a new camera for myself for my birthday, there will be no excuse for not adding photos. I am excited that this is something I have learned to do and hope everyone enjoys reading my blabber. I thought this picture was precious of Kailyn after working hard on her pumpkin at Grammy Robin's house.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Some random photos

Grandma Shannon and Kailyn
Aimee posing for Kailyn

Grandpa Shannon and Kailyn at Dairy Queen

Joe Klinge(Aimee's fiance)

Grandma Shannon, Aimee and Kailyn at Dairy Queen
Jordan and one of her best friends Aubrie
Just playing around with some photos that were taken this summer and at a football game. I think I am gradually getting the hang of some of this posting photos and such. Now I am trying to get other gadgets on my page such as a Christmas countdown, Jordan's birthday countdown, and other holiday countdowns. Also some other fun gadgets, so if you can give me any tips, they are much appreciated. We had our family pictures done 2 weeks ago by Kathy McCloy. She did Aimee's this past Spring and I absolutely fell in love with her style of photography. So I booked an October date back in April with her and it was fun doing the shoot. Please check out her site at www.kathymccloy.com and soon she will have our gallery up for viewing. As soon as I get my password, I will email it around for everyone to see them. I am exicted to see them myself. We have not had professional photos done since Steve and I got married 8+years ago. I also had Kaytee in them and she did so good with all the excitement around her. I was proud of my entire beautiful family that day and this is my early Christmas present. I know it will be the best one I could have ever asked for. So for now, enjoy the photos and hope everyone had a good weekend.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Yahoo I think I am learning!

I wanted to share the backdrop we used for our family pictures two weeks ago. Hopefully my gallery will be done soon and will be able to share my password so you all can see the pictures and pick out which ones you would like to have. Happy Fall Y'All!

Happy Saturday!

Hello again! I am still learning how to do build our page and hopefully will get the hang of this soon!!! So please keep checking in as I get the page going. Hope you have a great Saturday.

Friday, October 17, 2008

My adventure in blogging starts now

Hello everyone,
I am now starting a new adventure in blogging. I have visited my niece's spot several times and a few others and thought this would be fun to do. So I hope you enjoy my posts and other stuff as I learn how to do this.