This is another of Thomas Kinkade pictures of Christmas, it's just a beautiful small town in the mountains of somewhere. I really don't have alot to post today. Did go to WalMart and got a couple of more Christmas presents boughten. I am proud of myself for actually getting some of it done early this year. Even my decorations are pretty much done around the house. Need to get my Santas done and the progress pictures posted someday. Still have my boys to get and some more for Jordan. Pictures are what most of my gift receivers are getting this year and I seen the best thing when doing the reprints. A 8x10 photo book where you can make collage pages with several pictures on a page...hoping this works for my mother in law's present this year. I am getting a bit sleepy so I am going to snuggle in for a hopefully good nights sleep. Also try to stay warm in the frosty winter air......ya I'm loving it!! Would rather be cold than sweating hot any day.