I am going to start my blogs with pictures of vintage Christmas cards that I found online. I love how they look and was dissappointed when I couldn't get the huge book of them that my Uncle Bubba had before he passed. There was several of them in the book that he had that were absolutely beautiful. Steve went to Sedalia today to watch Nick Schaefer race at the fairgrounds in the Matheson building. I was supposed to go and get my spa manicure and pedicure done at Bodyworks but wasn't feeling up to it. This is probably a little TMI but since I am sharing everything on here, I feel the need to explain why I wasn't feeling well enough to go get pampered."Aunt Flo" came for her monthly visit and the first day or two are absolutely horrible. I have always had problems with bad cramps and was relieved by taking birth control. When I was 33, I had my tubal ligation done with my gallbladder surgery so no longer took birth control. I also have problems with cyst on my ovaries, which sent me to the emergency room in August. So as I have gotten older, they are getting worse with cramps that are from hell. Heating pads are not helpful as that seems to make the cramps worse so I asked my doctor for pain pills to help calm them down. Over the counter pain relievers don't really do the job if they are some strong ones. That is only helpful if I happen to start on a weekend where I can knock myself out. So to end this probably I am going to plan a hysterectomy next year after all the festivities are over. Those being Aimee's wedding and my 40th birthday so the medical bills won't interfere with the cost of those important events. Anyways, I decided to go out to Patty Hammer's house for a visit since Christy was already there and I didn't feel like doing any chores at the house. Patty is my adoptive mother because she has never hesitated to get into my ass when she thinks Christy or I have been messing up in life. She also will introduce me as her 3rd daughter since I have been around the family for just about 30 years. I can't explain the love I have for her because she has always accepted me for who I am, faults and all. Patty lives in the house she grew up in out by the Grand Pass wildlife area northeast of Malta Bend. She moved back there in the mid 80's after her father passed away. I have alot of memories of Christy and I staying out there when we were teenagers and also in recent years for the holidays which I am always included in. I got home around 4pm and have been alone in the house since. Should have started some chores then but got totally lazy and watched tv for awhile. Now I am blabbing on here for the second time today instead of doing those chores that can wait til tomorrow. Unless the weather turns out warmer so I can get some Santa's painted. I also need to go to my grandma's and see what decorations I have stored over there. I have alot of Christmas crap since it's my favorite holiday to decorate for, just ask Steve sometime and I am sure he will groan before he agrees that I probably have too many. Just wait til I have a much larger house that I can put a tree in every room and fill it with all my crap and then some!!! I already have planned a tree with all my Barbie ornaments on it. I call them my "girls"and yes I am still a Barbie freak after all these years when I should have grown up. NEVER when it comes to them, there is a world of Barbie ornaments that I want so thanks to ebay, I will have them someday. Good night for now and will blog more on here tomorrow if I don't get swamped with painting and decorating.
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